Monday, April 11, 2011

"La lógica del titiritero" Scientific Psychology La lógica del Titiritero" is a very good website of scientific aproach about psychological phenomena . The topics are very variates, from the love, relationships, language, human evolution, intelligence, and more. I think that this aproach is necesary for study of human behavior because provides a vision that allows understand objectively to the people. In this way, is possible create new therapies with most efficience and effectiveness. So the psychologists can help to more people.

One important idea of this website is: "The reason is a product of evolution". This phrase shows the influence of Charles Darwin and explain the relevance about the humans are simply one animal more on the animal kingdom and our mind can explain through of nature sciences. Current research are published periodically, for example: "¿Hard girls are more desirable?" "The woman without fear" "Factors that predict when and how often people fall in love". All of them very intersting and motivate to search more information and learn many things more. For the reasons already mentioned, I recomend this website, in this way you will have the knowledge that will serve to understand the psychic phenomena in a more comprehensive way.


  1. Gabriel,

    i like your post because it's not about
    a psichologist
    and it looks like avery interesting website
    if you have more web you could share it with us


  2. Jajaj I remember you visiting always this website. Is a good website and is consistent with your personality :)

    See you every day :)

  3. I wanna visit that web site! Thanks for the reccomendation!
