Hello friends, today i am going to write about a japanese martial art. Its developed for Morihei Ueshiba, who learned many martial arts, like ninjutsu o kenjutsu. He is considered for the people that pratice Aikido like a great master, because he always want to be best, to learn more and increaces his knowledge. For many reasons the Aikido it´s my favorite and for this i practice it all weeks.
Now, I explain the principal characteristics of Aikido, for you understand why like me. First, Aikido is not a competition sport, because the Aikido philosophy says nobody win in a fight, because i can hit to somebody but other personar can hit me for vengance, and this is infinity, this is the reason because the violence is not a solution. The violence only produce more violence and vengance, hate or resentmente. The second point, is that in Aikido, we always can to learn new things, even the masters of Aikido (Sensei) can to learn of his students!, and the women, children or old people can to learn Aikido and practice all days. All people follow their path that walk to their own rythm. The last point is Aikido teach respect for the people and to be corteous. Too its teached me to be more brave but whitout violent.
In conclusion, I can say that i have know many good people for Aikido and I learned so much about the control of my body and the healthy life. I trust more in myself and i belive that with effort is posible get our objetives. I want too invite to you to practice some martial arts because is fun and to improve our body. Now I put a video of Aikido for you motivation !
Postscript: The Aikido is better than ballet because the movements are naturals ! hahaha :)